
原著Radiation Protection Information Center
- 高田 純:福島県、放射線量の現状 ? 健康リスクなし、科学的計測の実施と愚かな政策の是正を, Global Energy Policy Research,http://agora-web.jp/archives/1490913.html, 2012
- Tanaka K, Takada J, Development of in-situ measurement for 90 Sr specific activity by β-ray survey meter combined with sensitivity correction, Appl Radiat Isot, 査読有, 69巻, 2011, 814-817
- Tanaka K, Endo S, Hoshi M, Takada J, Development of monitoring method of spatial neutron distribution in neutrons-gamma rays mixed field using imaging plate for NCT--depression of the field, Appl Radiat Isot,査読有, 69巻, 2011, 1885-1887
- Tanaka K, Tateoka K, Asanuma O, Kamo K, Bengua G, Sato K, Ueda T, Takeda H, Takagi M, Hareyama M, Takada J, A dosimetry study of the Oncoseed 6711 using glass rod dosimeters and EGS5 Monte Carlo code in a geometry lacking radiation uilibrium scatter conditions, Medical physics,査読有, 38巻, 2011, 3069-3076
- Kanamori M, Suto T, Tanaka K, Takada J: A study on dose control for Tokaimura criticality accident termination. Radiation Protection Dosimetry146 (1-3): 42-45, 2011
- 高田 純:福島はチェルノブイリにも広島にもならなかった, Global Energy Policy Research, 2011.
- 高田 純:チェルノブイリ原発事故と東海村臨界事故,日本臨牀,70(3):405-409, 2011.
- 田中憲一、高田 純:βカウンターを用いた90Srその場測定法の開発,放射線防護医療 ,37-40, 2011.
- 高橋知幸、高田 純:原子炉の損傷 チェルノブイリ4号機と福島第一の違い,放射線防護医療 ,29-33, 2011.
- 高田 純:東日本放射線衛生調査と福島第一原子力発電所20km圏の復興策,放射線防護医療 ,1-8, 2011.
- 高田 純:東日本放射線衛生調査と福島復興に向けて~福島は広島にも~チェルノブイリにもならなかった~,札幌医科大学 医療人育成センター紀要,3号 15-20, 2011. http://www.gepr.org/ja/contents/20120220-01/
- Tanaka K, Takada J: Development of in-situ measurement for 90 Sr specific activity by β-ray survey meter combined with sensitivity correction by Monte Carlo calculation, Appl Radiat Isot. 2011 May;69(5):814-7, 2011.
- 高田純:「真の近現代史観」懸賞論文制度 最優秀 藤誠志賞「福島は広島にも チェルノブイリにもならなかった 東日本現地調査から見えた真実と福島復興の道筋」,4:14-18, 2011
- K.Tanaka, S. Endo, M. Hoshi, J. Takada: Development of monitoring method of spatial neutron distribution in neutrons-gamma rays mixed field using imaging plate”, Challenges in Nutron Capture Therapy (Proc. of the 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy) (Edited by Sara Liberman et al.), (2010) 195-198, ISBN:978-987-1323-19-7.
- Kanamori M, Suto T, Tanaka K, Takada J: A Study on Dose Evaluation for Tokaimura Criticality Accident Termination, JAEA-Technology 2010-025, 1-11, 2010
- 田中憲一,櫻井良憲,加茂憲一,高塚伸太朗,高田純:「半導体素子の中性子γ線混合照射による損傷」,放射線防護医療6,41-44,2010.
- 高田純:「ソ連と中国の核兵器開発に学ぶ核放射線防護」,放射線防護医療6,1-8,2010.
- 高田純:「広島平和公園の碑文は撤去すべし 犠牲者を冒涜し、核兵器保有国の戦闘使用を是認する内容」,誇れる国、日本〔Ⅲ〕,APA GROUP,25-29,2010.
- 田中憲一、高塚伸太朗、高田純:「被曝線量によるトリアージのための線量計Radtriageの有効性検証」、放射線防護医療4、34-36, 2008.(査読有)
- 金盛正至、田中憲一、高田純、「臨界終息作業時の線量管理方法の考察」、放射線防護医療4、29-33, 2008.(査読有)
- 高田 純:「核エネルギー施設の安全と危機管理」、放射線防護医療4、1-9, 2008.(査読有)
- Tanaka, K., Endo, S., Toyoda, S., Hino, Y., Romanyukha, A., Takada. J., Hoshi, M.: Study on measurement of radioactivity by imaging plate combined with its response correction by MCNP, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA12), 1-6., 2008.
- Takada, J: Dose prediction for surface nuclear explosions, 12th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection, 2008.
- Takada, J: Dose prediction in Japan for nuclear test explosions in North Korea, Applied Elsevier, Radiation and Isotopes, 1683-1685, 2008.
- 高田 純:「大規模核災害時の線量の歴史的検証」、Proceedings of the seventh Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, KEK Proceedings, 257-260, 2006-5, 2006.
- 櫻井良憲、高田 純:「除染棟の性能と日本の法的規制との関係」、放射線防護医療、2, 36-38, 2006.
- 加茂憲一、高田 純:「核兵器テロ後のがん死亡被害予測」、放射線防護医療、2, 30-32, 2006.
- 高田 純:「核災害時の線量理解に有効な線量6段階区分の表示」、放射線防護医療2, 26, 2006.
- 高田 純:「地表核爆発を例とした大規模核災害と日本の課題」、放射線防護医療2, 3-10, 2006.
- 高田 純:「北朝鮮の核実験が日本へ与える放射線影響の予測と監視」、放射線防護医療2、1-2, 2006.
- 高田 純:「医療を取りまく放射線災害の現状と課題」、招待講演要旨、放射線防護分科会会誌、23, 2-3, 2006.
- Endo, S., Hoshi, M., Takada, J., Takatsuji, T., Ejima, Y., Saigusa, S., Tachibana, T., and Sasaki, S. M.:Development, Beam Characterization and Chromosomal Effectiveness of X-rays of RBC Characteristic X-ray Generator, J. Radiat. Res., 47, 103-112, 2006.
- Sato, H., Hoshi, M. and Takada, J.: Intercomparison of Luminescence Measurements of Bricks from Dolon’ Village: Experimental Methodology and Results from Japanese Laboratory, J. Radiat. Res., 47, suppl., A23-A28, 2006.
- Stepanenko, F.F., Hoshi, M., Yamamoto, M., Sakaguchi, A., Takada, J., Sato, H., Iaskova, E. K., Kolizshenkov., T.V.,Kryukova, I. G., Apsalikov, K., Gusev, B. I., and Jungner, H.: International Intercomparison of Retrospective Luminescence Dosimetry Method: Sampling and Distribution of the Brick Samples from Dolon’Village, Kazakhstan, J. Radiat. Res., 47, suppl., A15-A21, 2006.
- 高田 純:大規模核災害時の線量の歴史的検証、第7回「環境放射能」研究会要旨論文集, 7, 2005.
- 高田 純:第1回放射線防護医療研究会を開催、月刊消防、1月号、109, 2006.
- 加茂憲一、高田 純:核兵器テロ時の地下鉄による脱出シミュレーション、放射線防護医療、Vol.1、42-43、2005.
- 高田 純:防災の指標としての線量6段階区分、放射線防護医療、Vol.1、32-35, 2005.
- 高田 純:放射線防護医療研究の推進、放射線防護医療、Vol.1、1-8, 2005.
- 高田 純:核ハザードの環境および社会影響、Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, KEK Proceedings, 176-181, 2005-4, 2005.
- Takada, J: Radiation Hazard and Protection for the Nuclear Weapon Terrorism, High levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas: Radiation Dose and Health Effects, Elsevier, International Congress Series, 1276, 245-246, 2005.
- 高田 純:核兵器テロに対する公衆の放射線防護、KEK Proceedings, 312-317, 2004-8, 2004.
- Yamamoto M, Hoshi M., Takada, J., Sakaguchi, A., Apsalikov, K.N., Gusev, B.I: Current levels and distributions of 137 and Pu isotopes in soil on the Kazakhstan territory of the Kazakhstan-Chinese border: Semipalatinsk and Lob Nor Nuclear test sites detonation, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 261(3), 533-545, 2004.
- Yamamoto M, Hoshi M., Takada, J., Sakaguchi, A., Apsalikov, K.N., Gusev, B.I: Distributions of Pu isotopes and 137Cs in soil from Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site etonations throughout southern district, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 261(1), 19-36, 2004.
- Hoshi, M., Yamamoto, M., Takada, J., Sakaguchi, A., Apsalikov, K.N., Gusev, B.I.: Radioactive contamination on land end external radiation dose in residential areas around the former Soviet Union’s Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test site: A review of our studies since 1995. Indian Journal of Radiation Research, 1(1), 1-20, 2004.
- 第88回日本医学物理学会学術大会報文集(JJMP), 24, sup.3, 294-297, 2004.
- 焦 玲、高田 純、星 正治:歯エナメルESR線量法に対する太陽光暴露の影響、
- 高田 純、松岡審爾、高田靖司、小木曽 力、大野紀和、寺島良治、酒井英一、花村 肇、V. シャロフ、M. O. デグテバ:Sr-90の内部被曝と歯に対するベータ線計数、第88回日本医学物理学会学術大会報文集(JJMP), 24, sup.3, 291-293, 2004.
- 高田 純:1キロトン核兵器の地上爆発による放射線被曝と防護、広島医学、57, 368-370, 2004.12
- Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity、352-357、KEK-Proceedings 2003-11、2003.
- 高田 純:セミパラチンスク核兵器実験場グランドゼロ2002年の放射線調査
- Orlov, M., Yu., Stepanenko, V. F., Hoshi, M., Takada, J.: Monte-Carlo calculation of gamma-dose distribution inside brick wall and in air. Atomnaya Energia (Atomic Energy), 94(6), 479-483, 2003 (in Russian).
- Orlov, M. Yu., Stepanenko, V. F., Hoshi, M., Takada, J.: Estimate of natural irradiation dose for the retrospective luminescence dosimetry. Atomnaya Energia (Atomic Energy), 94(5), 413-415, 2003 (in Russian).
- Orlov, M., Yu., Stepanenko, V. F., Hoshi, M., Takada, J.: The accuracy of dose estimations for cohort radiation epidemiological studies. Atomnaya Energia (Atomic Energy), 94(4), 331-333, 2003 (in Russian).
- Shizuma, K., Endo, S., Hoshi, M., Takada, J., Ishikawa, M., Iwatani, K., Hasai, H., Oka, T., Fujita, S., Watanabe, T., Yamashita, T. and Imanaka, T.: Measurement of residual 152Eu activity induced by atomic-bomb neutron in Nagasaki and the contribution of environmental neutrons to this activity. J. Radiat. Res., 44, 133-139, 2003.
- 高田 純, ズマジリョフ K. Sh, ステパノフ V. E., 今中哲二, 高辻俊宏, 大塚良仁, 山本政儀, 吉川 勲, 星 正治. 爆心地の放射線調査. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, KEK, Tsukuba, KEK Proceedings, 2002-7, 259-264, 2002.
- Shizuma K., Endo S., Hoshi M., Takada J., Iwatani K., Hasai H., Oka T., Shimazaki T., Okumura Y., Fujita S., Watanabe T.and Imanaka T.: Measurement of Residual 60Co Activity Induced by Atomic-bomb Neutron in Nagasaki and Background Contribution by Environmental Neutrons. J. Radiat. Res., 43, 387-396, 2002.
- Ivannikov A. I., Zhumadilov Zh., Gusev B. I., Miyazawa Ch., Jiao L., Skvortsov V. G, Stepanenko V. F., Takada J. and Hoshi M.: Individual Dose Reconstruction among Residents Living in the Vicinity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Using EPR Spectroscopy of Tooth Enamel. Health Physics, 83(2), 183-196, 2002.
- Sato H., Takatsuji T., Takada J., Endo S., Hoshi M., Sharifov V. F., Veselkina I. I., Pilenko I. V., Kalimullin W. A. F., Masyakin V. B., Yoshikawa I., Nagatomo T. and Okajima S.: Measuring the External Exposure Dose in the Contaminated Area near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station Using the Thermoluminescence of Quartz in Bricks. Health Physics, 83(2), 227-236, 2002.
- Yamamoto M., Hoshi M., Takada J., Oikawa S., Yoshikawa I., Takatsuji T., Sekerbaev A. Kh., Gusev B. I.: Some aspects of environmental radioactivity around the former Soviet Union's Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: Local fallout Pu in Ust'-Kamenogorsk district. J. Radioanal. Nuc. Chem., 252(2), 373-394, 2002.
- Ishikawa T., Uchiyama M. , Hoshi M., Takada J., Endo S., Sugiura N., Kosako T., and Shimizu I.: New in-vivo calibration phantoms and their performance. Health Phys., 82(3), 348-357, 2002.
- Takada J. and Yamamoto M.: Radiological status of Rongelap Island in 1999. J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 254, 261-266, 2002.
- 高田 純, 星 正治, 山本正義, 高辻俊宏, 吉川 勲, SekerbaevmA Kh.: ウスチカメノゴルスク市の外部被曝線量評価. 広島医学, 55,147-148, 2002.
- 高田 純, 山本政儀. 1999年ロンゲラップ島線量調査. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity, KEK, Tsukuba. KEK Proceedings 2001?5, 107?112, 2001.
- 高田 純: 漏えい放射線の異方性と350m避難区住民の被曝線量. 放医研環境セミナーシリーズ No.28 ウラン加工工場臨界事故に対する環境測定・線量推定(藤元憲三編、放医研出版), 68-75, 2001. (招待論文)
- Ivannikov A.I., Skvortsov V.G., Stepanenko V.F., Tikunov D.D., Takada J. and Hoshi M.. ESR tooth enamel dosimetry: optimization of the automated spectra deconvolution routine. Health Physics., Aug.81(2), 124?137, 2001.
- Takada J.. External Doses to 350 m Zone Residents due to Anisotropic Radiation from the Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura, 1999. J. Radiat. Res., 42 Suppl., S75-S84, 2001. (招待論文)
- Takada J., Suga S., Kitagawa K., Ishikawa M., Takeoka S., Hoshi M., Watanabe H., Ito A., Hayakawa N.. Directional distribution of radiation around an accident at a uranium fuel factory in Tokai-mura, 1999. J. Radiat. Res., 42, 47-50, 2001.
- Shirashi K., Kimura S., Yonehara H., Takada J., et al. Survey of external dose around the JCO facility using sugar samples and ESR method. Adv.ESR Appl., 16, 9-14, 2000.
- Hoshi M., Konstantinov Y.O., Evdeeva T.Y., Kovalev A.I.,…Takada J. et al.: Radiocesium in children residing in the western districts of the Bryansk Oblast from 1996?1999. Health Phys., 79, 182?186, 2000.
- Komura K., Yamamoto M., Muroyama T., Murata Y., Nakanishi T., Hoshi M., Takada J., et al.: The JCO critically accident at Tokai-mura, Japan: an overview of the sampling campaign and preliminary results: J. Environ. Radioact., 50, 3?14, 2000.
- Endo S., Tosaki N., Shizuam K., Ishikawa M., Takada J. et al,: Radioactivity of 51Cr in stainless steel collected from residents in the JCO neighborhood. J. Environ. Radioact., 50, 83?88, 2000.
- Takatsuji T., Sato H., Takada J., et al.: Relationship between the 137Cs whole- body counting results and soil and food contamination in farms near Chernobyl. Health Phys., 78, 86?89, 2000.
- Endo S., Hoshi M., Shizuma K., Takada J. and Goodhead D. T.: Calculation of the neutron W value for neutron dosimetry below the MeV energy region: Phys. Med. Biol., 45, 947-953, 2000.
- Zhumadilyov Z., Gusev B.I., Takada J. et al.: Thyroid Abnormality trend over time in northeastern regions of Kazakstan, adjacent to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: a case review of pathological findings for 7271 patients. J. Radiat. Res., 41, 35-44, 2000.
- Takada J., Hoshi M., Stepanenko V., et al.: Dosimetry studies in Zaborie village: Applied Radiation Isotopes, 52, 1165-1169, 2000.
- Takada J. and Hoshi M.: External dose to 350 m zone residents around the Tokaimura criticalty accident site. J. Environmental Radioactivity, 50, 43-48, 2000.
- Takada J., Hoshi M., et al.: External dose of residents near Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. J. Radia. Res., 40, 337-344, 1999.
- Takada J., Stepanov V.E., et al.: Radiological states around the Kraton-4 underground nuclear explosion site in Sakha. J. Radia. Res., 40, 223-228, 1999.
- Yoshiakwa I., Kakatsuji T., Nagano M., Takada J., et al,: RBE-LET relationship of high-LET radiation in drosophila mutations. J. Radiat. Res., 40 supl., 106-116, 1999.
- Takada J., Hoshi M., Nagatomo T. et al: External doses of residents near Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. J. Radiat. Res., 40, 337-344, 1999.
- Takada J., Stepanov V., Hoshi M. et al.: Radiological states around the Kraton-4 underground nuclear explosion site in Sakha. J. Radiat. Res. 40, 223-228, 199.
- Endo S., Hoshi M., Takada J. et. al.: Neutron generator (HIRRAC) and dosimetry study: J. Radiat. Res., 40 Suppl., 14-20, 1999.
- Endo S., Iwatani K., Hoshi M., Takada J. et al. DS86 neutron dose: Monte Carlo analysis for depth profile of Eu-152 activity in a large stone sample. J. Radiat. Res., 40, 169-181, 1999.
- Hoshi M., Endo S., Takada J., et al.: A crack model of the Hiroshima atomic bomb: explanation of the contradiction of “Dosimetry System 1986”. J. Radiat. Res., 40 Suppl., 145- 154, 1999.
- 遠藤 暁, 星 正治, 菅 慎二, 高田 純, 静間 清: C-CO2 電離箱(IC17G)の中性子感度の測定. 医用標準線量, 4, 29-34, 1999.
- 星 正治, 高田 純, 遠藤 暁, 静間 清: 軟X線の線量測定.医用標準線量, 4, 17-22, 1999.
- Yamamoto M., Hoshi M., Takada J. et al.: Pu isotopes and Cs-137 in the surrounding areas of the former Soviet Union’s Semipalatinsk nucler test site. J. Radioanalitical and Nuclear Chemistry, 242, 63-74, 1999.
- Shizuma K., Iwatani K., Hasai H., Oka T., Endo S., Takada J., Hoshi M., Fujita S., Watanabe T. and Imanaka T.: Residual Co-60 activity in steel samples exposed to the Hiroshima atomic-bomb neutrons. Health Physics, 75:278-284, 1998.
- Hoshi M., Takada J., Endo S., Shizuma K., Iwatani K., Oka T., Fujita S. and Hasai H.: Problems of radiation dose evaluation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and their explanation. Radiat. Protect. Dosimetry, 77, 15-23, 1998.
- Yoshikawa I., Takatsuji T., Hoshi M., Takada J., Kanai T., Furusawa Y., Nikjoo H. and Ikenaga M.: The relative biological effectiveness of accelerated carbon ions with different LET for inducing mitotic crossing over and intragenic reversion of the white-ivory allele in Drosophila larvae. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 74, 239-248, 1998.
- Endo S., Nitta Y., Ohtaki M., Takada J. et al.: Estimation of dose absorbed fraction for I-131 beta rays in rat thyroid. J. Radiat. Res., 39, 223-230, 1998.
- Takada J., Hoshi M., Rozenson R. I., Endo S., Yamamoto M., Nagatomo T., Imanaka T., Gusev B. I., Apsalikov K. N., Tachaijunusova N. J.: Environmental radiation dose in Semipalatinsk area near nuclear test site. Health Phys., 73, 524-527, 1997.
- Takada J., Hoshi M., Endo S., Yamamoto M., Nagatomo T., Gusev B. I., Rozenson R. I., Apsalikov K. N., Tchaijunusova N.J.: Dosimetry study of residents near Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: High Levels of Natural Radiation 96, Radiation Dose and Health Effects. Edit. Wei, L.,Sugahara, T., Tao, Z., Elsevier Science, 191-195, 1997.
- Uehara S., Endo S., Takada J., Hoshi M.: Monte Carlo simulation of in vivo measurements of 90Sr+90Y bremsstrahlung. Health Phys., 74, 30-37, 1998.
- Endo S., Hoshi M., Suga S., Takada J., Komatsu, K.: Determination of the relative neutron sensitivity of a C-CO2 inonization chamber. Phys. Med. Biology., 41, 1037- 1043, 1996.
- 高田 純:有機ー無機ヘテロナノシステムの形成. 応用物理, 64, 695, 1995,(招待論文).
- Takada J.: Organic-inorganic hetero nanosystems as an approach to molecular optoelectronics. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 34:3864-3870, 1995,(招待論文).
- Takada J.: Size Effects of Molecular Excitons in Organic-Inorganic Hetero Nanostructures. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 34-1, 158-160, 1995.
- 高田 純: 有機無機ヘテロナノ構造. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, OME94-9, 1-6, 1994.
- Takada J., Awaji H., Koshioka M., Nevin W. A., Imanishi M., Fukada N.. Copper phtalocyanine-titanium oxide multilayers. J. Appl. Phys., 75, 4055-4059, 1994.
- 高田 純:光電子材料としての有機無機複合多層膜. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, OME93-213, 7-12, 1993.
- Takada J., Awaji H., Koshioka M., Nakajima A., Nevin W. A.: Organic-inorganic multilayers: A new concept of optoelectric material. Appl. Phys. Lett., 61, 2184-2186, 1992.
- Hirata K., Yamamoto K., Iijima K., Takada J., Terashima T., Bando Y. and Mazaki H.: Tunneling measurements on superconductor/insulator/superconductor junctions using single-crystal YB2Cu3O7-x thin films. Appl. Phys. Lett., 56, 683, 1990.
- Takada J.: Lifetime broadening picture in oxide high-temperature superconductors. J. of Sci. of Hiroshima Univ., A53-3:25-48, 1989, 学位論文.
- Takada J., Terashima T., Bando Y., Mazaki H., Iijima K.: Quasiparticle density of states in the perpendicular direction to the Cu-O planes in YB2Cu3O7-x single-crystal thin films. Phys. Rev. , B40, 4478-4481, 1989.
- Terashima T., Iijima K., Yamamoto K., Takada J., Hirata K., Mazaki H. and Bando Y.: Formation and properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystal films by activated reactive evaporation. J. Crystal Growth, 95:617, 1989.
- Takada J., Terashima T., Bando Y., Mazaki H., Iijima K., Yamamoto K. and Hirata K.: Tunnel junctions using oxide superconducting thin films epitaxially grown on SrTiO3. Appl. Phys. Lett., 53, 2689-2691, 1988.
- 高田純, 山本和貴, 飯島賢二, 間崎啓匡, 寺嶋考仁, 坂東尚周:Pt/AlO/YBa2Cu3O7-x/SrTiO3 単結晶薄膜トンネル接合. 紛体および粉末冶,第35巻第5号:101-104, 1988.
- Takada J., Mazaki H. and Bando Y.: London penetration depth of superconductors having lifetime broadened density of states. Appl. Phys. Lett., 53, 332-333, 1988.
- Takada J., Mazaki H. and Bando Y.: Modified London penetration depth in oxide superconductors. Bulletin of Institute of Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 66-2, 45-48, 1988.
- Takada J. and Fritzsche H.: Photo-induced and bias induced metastable states in the transverse conduction of pnpn doping-modulated a-Si:H superlattices. J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 97&98, 907-910, 1987.
- Takada J. and Fritzsche H.: Drift mobility of doped a-Si:H at high temperatures. Phys. Rev., B36, 1710, 1987.
- Takada J. and Fritzsche H.: Photo-induced change in the density of localized states near the conduction band of doped a-Si:H,, Phys. Rev., B36, 1706-1709, 1987.
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